НАПН України
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Constituent Assembly of founders of the Public Union "Ukrainian Adult Education Association"

Pursuant to the Article 3 of the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" from July 1, 2014 №1556-VII, Agreement on cooperation between the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine,  the  Association “Znannya” of Ukraine  and Representative office of the German Adult Education Association  DVV International in Ukraine, in order to guarantee every adult the right to education, the formation of professional knowledge and skills necessary for active creative life, the creation of appropriate conditions for the organization of adult education throughout life, with the support of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine and the Representative office of the German Adult Education Association DVV International in Ukraine the organisational arrangements were made for founding the Public Union "Ukrainian Adult Education Association".

On May 13, 2015 the Constituent Assembly of founders of the Public Union "Ukrainian Adult Education Association" was held, which was attended by 15 legal entities - founders of the Public Union "Ukrainian Adult Education Association ", the main purpose of which is the formation and development of the adult education system in Ukraine, the formation of the society that learns throughout life.

09:22 21.05.2015