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Meeting of the Bureau of the Department of vocational and adult education of the NAES of Ukraine
On April 27, 2015 the Meeting of the Bureau of the Department of Professional and Adult Education of the NAES of Ukraine was held. Among the discussed issues – the International Cooperation of the Institute of Vocational Education of the NAES of Ukraine. I her statement the Director of the IVE Valentina Radkevich noted that the Institute takes part in two international projects: the Project TWINING - «Modernization of legislative standards and principles of education and training according to the EU policy on lifelong learning" and the TEMPUS Project - "Environmental education in Belarus, Russia, Ukraine (ECO BRU).  
In addition, in 2014, the researchers of the Institute of VocationalEeducation of the NAES of Ukraine participated in joint projects with the Republican Institute for vocational education (Belarus),International Professional Academy "Turan-Profi" (Republic of Kazakhstan), as well as in the implementation of the Grant program of the European Union′s support to vocational education and training in the Kyrgyz Republic.

16:12 12.05.2015