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Candidates for election of the representative of the NAES of Ukraine to the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education

According to the resolution of the Presidium of the Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine ¹1-2/4-48 of February 19, 2015 on the Competition for the election of the representative of the NAES of Ukraine to the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education a session of the Commission was held.

It reviewed the submitted documents for compliance of requirements for candidates of the NAES of Ukraine to the National Agency and recognized Serhiy Kurbatov, head of the Department of leadership and institutional development of higher education of the Institute of higher education of the  NAES of Ukraine, as a candidate for representatives to the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education.



Institute of Higher Education,

National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine &

Centre for Russian and Eurasian Studies,

University of Uppsala, Sweden

Sergiy Kurbatov

Tel: 38-067-752-9632 E-mail: sergiy.kurbatov@gmail.com


Date and Place of Birth:

 29.08.1971, Sumy, Ukraine


 2002 PhD (kandidatska) Taras Shevchenko National University, Kyiv,


 1994 MA Summa Cum Laude, Sumy State Pedagogical University,  Ukraine

Current Carrier History:

 2007- present - Researcher, Senior Researcher,

 Head of Department, Institute of Higher Education,

 National Academy of Edukational Sciences of Ukraine.

 2013- present - Affiliated Researcher, Centre for Russian and Eurasian

 Studies, University of Uppsala, Sweden.

 2011-2013 – Researcher, Centre for Russian and Eurasian

 Studies, University of Uppsala, Sweden.

 2004- 2011 – Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and

 Social Technologies, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine.

 2009, June-August - National Expert, Bologna Evaluation Project,

 Centre for Higher Education Policy Studies, University of Twente,


 2003-2004 – Junior Fulbright Fellow, Department of Philosophy

 and Classics, Brown University, USA.

 2001-2004 – Senior Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Department of

 Philosophy, Sumy State University, Ukraine.

 2000-2001 –Head of International Relations Office, Ukrainian Academy of

 Banking, Ukraine.

1999 – Regional Scholar Exchange Program Fellow, Department of

 Philosophy, Colorado State University, USA.

Current Publications:

1. Books

1. Phenomenon of University in the Context of Global Transformation Sumy:

University book, 2014. – 262 p.

2. Historical Time as a Determinant of Creative Process Kyiv: Infosystem,

2009. – 172 p.

2. Chapters in books

1. Quality of the University Education Through the Lenses of International

 University Rankings in book Philosophical and Methodological Background of

 Increasing Quality of University Education in Ukraine: European Dimension.

 Kyiv: Pedagogichna dymka, 2012. - pp. 168-188.

 2. Shaping Elites: Searching for Adequate Educational Practices in book

 Elite: Sources, Essence, Perspectives. Kyiv: Znannya,- 2011. - pp. 165-210.

3. Educational Innovations: Configuration of the Future in book Phenomenon of

Innovation: Education, Society, Culture. Kyiv: Pedagogichna dymka, 2008.- pp. 266-304.

3. Current papers

1. Research University in the Context of Innovative and Global Educational

Paradigm // Higher Education in Ukraine. – 2013 - # 3, supplement 2. –

pp. 31-34.

2. Models of the University Education of the 21st Century Through the Lens

of International University Rankings // Higher Education in Ukraine. –

2013 - # 3. – p. 103-110.

3. Between National and Global: University Mission at a Spatial Intersection

// Higher Education in Ukraine. – 2013 - # 2, supplement 1. – pp. 46-56.

4. University Rankings and the Problem of Competitiveness of National

Universities of Post-Soviet Countries in Global Educational Space: the

Case of Ukraine // Evaluation in Higher Education. – 2012 - #6(2).- pp.


5. The Process of Establishing and the Specific Features of Early European

Universities // Scientific Journal of Drohobych State Pedagogical

University, 2012. Issue 26. – pp. 97-112.

6. World Class University as a Model of Elite Educational Institution //

Management of Social Systems: Philosophy, Psychology, Pedagogics,

Sociology, 2011, # 3. – p. 11-18.

7. Alma Mater of the 21st Century: Searching for the Idea of the University,

Adequate to Contemporary Situation // Scientific Journal of National

Dragomanov Pedagogical University, 2011, # 25. – pp. 92-100.

8. University rankings as tool for reformation of university education in

Ukraine // Proceedings of ICERI 2011 conference, November, 14-16, 2011,

Madrid, Spain ISBN 978-84-615-3324-4. - p. 004693-004699.

9. About the System of University Ranking in Ukraine // Pedagogics and


Psychology, 2009, # 3 (64). - pp. 111-120.

15:46 30.03.2015