НАПН України
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Congratulations of the President of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, President of the Society "Znannya" of Ukraine Vasyl Kremen on March 8
Dear women!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on International Women’s Day –  March 8!

The civilization development equalized women and men in rights, freedoms and responsibilities. Modern woman side by side with the man is responsible for the present and the future of our planet, working in the most demanding industries, often struggling for supremacy. But above all, she is a mother, a wife, beloved and despite all feminine, attractive, radiant. She fills everyday affairs with high senses, stimulates to noble achievements and good activity, she is a major source of inspiration for the male half of humanity.

We wish you, dear guardians, good health, prosperity, family well-being and harmony. Let inspiration and success in business accompany you. Let you hear kind words on this spring holiday – words of gratitude for your wisdom, strength and patience, care of friends and relatives!

14:58 05.03.2015