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Meeting with representatives of DVV International

On January, 23 2015 there was a meeting of  Nellya Nichkalo, academician-secretary of the Department of professional and adult education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, with Ms. Anita Jacobsone, Regional Director of the Representative office of DVV International in Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova.
The purpose of the meeting was to summarize the joint research activities in 2014 on the implementation of the Agreement on cooperation between the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, the Society "Znannya" of Ukraine and the Representative Office of a German non-governmental organization" The German Association of people′s universities” DVV International in Ukraine and the Appeal of participants of the Forum "EU - Ukraine: adult education” and discussion of issues of further cooperation of the NAES of Ukraine and DVV International in the implementation of tasks for the development of adult education in Ukraine. During the meeting the joint activities for 2015 were planned, aimed to the development of adult education in Ukraine.

Maria Milohorodska, Elena Reznikova, project managers, and Alexey Likhohod, administrator,  from DVV International took part in the meeting. From the NAES of Ukraine: Larissa Lukyanova, acting Director, and Olga Banit, senior researcher of the Department of andragogy of the Institute of pedagogical and adult education, Vladimir Tomenko, academic Secretary of the Department of professional and adult education, Paraska Dotsenko, Deputy head of the Department of scientific and managerial personnel and international scientific relations.

Department of scientific and managerial personnel

and international scientific relations

12:38 27.01.2015