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IV Allukrainian pedagogical congress in Lviv

IV Allukrainian pedagogical congress “Reforming of the education system in Ukraine in the context of European integration” took place on 15-16 October 2014 in Lviv and it was organized by Lviv regional companionship "Ridna shkola", Lviv scientific and practical centre of IVTE NAES of Ukraine, department of education and science of Lviv regional state administration, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, National University "Lviv Polytechnic". Educators from Lviv and other regions of Ukraine, representatives of the Committee on science and education of Ukraine, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine took part in congress, among them doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, academician of NAES of Ukraine, academician-secretary of the Department vocational and technical education NAPS of Ukraine Nellya Nychkalo, employees of subordinate establishments NAES of Ukraine.

At the Congress it was discussed the questions of methodological bases and the basic principles of reforming education in general and vocational and technical education in particular; problems of education quality assurance; improvement of the legislative basis of education; improvement of the national and patriotic upbringing of pupils and students, etc. The projects of number important normative and legal documents in the sphere of education were discussed at the sectional sessions and suggestions were expressed to the state education authorities, scientific establishments, educational and public organizations on the reforming of educational activity in Ukraine.

14:27 20.10.2014