НАПН України
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Meeting of the teams in the framework of Eco BRU Project

The planned meeting of the teams in the framework of Eco BRU Project (Ecological education in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine) was held in Bremen/Germany from the 1st till the 4th December, 2014. Representatives of high schools and scientific institutions took part in the workshop. The Institute of VET of NAPS of Ukraine was represented by the Director of IVET, Doctor of pedagogical sciences, associated member of NAPS of Ukraine, Valentyna Radkevych and a junior researcher of the laboratory of professional in-plant training Snizhana Leu. 

The issues of survey results on ecological education were represented by Dr. Bremer (Institute of technique and building of Bremen). Mr Zandler, a representative of Institute of technique and building of Bremen, conducted the competence workshop and envisaged the use of digital sources and tools in professional training. Participants also visited the port of Bremerhaven where they had an interesting presentation on its activity including ecological aspects and the center of ecological building in Virden. The Director of the eco-building center represented their new eco and environmentally-friendly technologies in building area. 

The Further step and activities in the framework of the Project were clarified and outlined by managers of the Project Viacheslav Nikitsin and Guido Kaufmann. 

Press center
17:15 17.12.2014