НАПН України
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Promotion of local history in the system of Pedagogical Museum of Ukraine: 2014 summary

The President of the NAES of Ukraine Vasyl Kremen in his article "Our local history: strategic goals of modern educational paradigm" emphasizes: "There is no denial of the fact that during the integration of national education in international educational community is important to preserve its national character, promote the preservation of cultural heritage (high culture relying on the achievements of the national and world art and deep national tradition), education of national pride, the formation of a national consciousness of future citizens through the love for his native land, patriotism, without which the development of any nation is impossible. In this regard the local history education at all levels of general secondary school is very important" (Regional studies, scientific journal. - 2011. - Part 3 - P. 15).

Significant potential of modern educational local history can and should be used in the education of Ukrainian civic identity and patriotism of pupils and students.

Promotion of local history is one of the main activities of the Pedagogical Museum of Ukraine: in 2014 the Museum organized an interactive exhibition "Ways of the School Local History" and launched a new form of work - museum expedition. The effectiveness of this form of activity visibly manifested when the results of the expedition provided quality report is issued. Modern technologies are enables quickly present the results of the expedition, placing the report on the museum site and helps to familiarize them with the widest possible audience.

12:08 12.12.2014