НАПН України
Закладка 1Закладка 2Закладка 2
Grand Prix for the University of Educational Management

On November 13 – 15, 2014,  at the Center for business and cultural cooperation "Ukrainian House" the XXVI International specialized exhibition "Education and Career - Student Day 2014" was held.

Vasyl Kremen,  president of the NAES of Ukraine, welcomed the participants and guests of the Exhibition. University of  Educational Management of the NAES of Ukraine presented its scientific and educational achievements there. 


Recent issues of national higher education, training in higher schools have been discussed by the participants and visitors of the exhibition. Institute of Pedagogical Education and Adult Education, Institute of Problems of Education, Institute of Social and Political Psychology, Institute of gifted child, Training and Scientific Centre of Vocational Education took part at the competition, held by Organizing Committee. University of Educational Management of the NAES of Ukraine was awarded the Grand Prix.

10:21 20.11.2014