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Scientific and methodical seminar of Institute vocational and technical education NAPS of Ukraine «Planning research and experimental activity in the system of vocational education»

The second scientific-methodical seminar on problems of organization experimental work has taken place on September 30, 2014 at the Institute vocational and technical education NAPS of Ukraine. 

Regulatory requirements for keeping documentation of organization experimental activities in the VET system, structure of the experiment program were discussed at the seminar, project «Provisions of experimental activities at the Institute vocational and technical education NAPS of Ukraine» was presented. 

The employees, graduate and doctoral students of the Institute vocational and technical education and other scientific establishments subordinate NAPS of Ukraine, representatives of scientific and organizational department NAPS Ukraine took part in the seminar. It was presented the reports of candidate of pedagogical sciences, Senior Research Scientist and Organizational Department of the Presidium of NAPS of Ukraine O.P. Vashulenko regarding regulatory requirements of NAPS of Ukraine to keeping documentation on the organization research and experimental activity; doctor of pedagogical sciences, docent, deputy director of research and experimental work IVTE NAPS of Ukraine M.V. Artyushyna on normative regulation of experimental activities research topics in IVTE NAPS of Ukraine; doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor,  leading Senior Research of Laboratory of the content of professional education  IVTE NAPS of Ukraine P.G. Luzan regarding scientific and methodological principles of planning and holding experimental work; candidate of pedagogical sciences, Senior Research, head of the laboratory of vocational guidance and upbringing IVTE NAPS of Ukraine D.O. Zakatnov about the experience in planning experimental activities of the laboratory vocational guidance and upbringing.

09:22 07.10.2014