On November 19 at 9.30 the Methodological seminar "Ways and mechanisms of increasing the competitiveness of Ukrainian universities" organized by the NAES of Ukraine, the Department of Higher Education of the NAES of Ukraine, the Institute of Higher Education of the NAES of Ukraine, the University of Education Management began.
The methodological seminar brought together in a scientific discussion respected scientists and managers - academicians of the NAS of Ukraine, the NAES of Ukraine, rectors of the best universities of Ukraine, educators and other stakeholders.
The seminar was opened by the President of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine Vasyl KREMEN, who stressed the importance of the issues and responsibilities of the relevant Department of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, which accumulates, summarizes and outlines research in higher education in Ukraine.
At the beginning of the Methodological seminar, the participants were greeted by the Head of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Serhiy SHKARLET. He noted: "Given the importance of developing higher education, improving its quality, monitoring, the issues of university cooperation, introduction of innovative technologies, application of digitalization, etc. I hope the seminar to be the basis for further development of quality and increase the competitiveness of each university and higher education in Ukraine as a whole. "14:15 20.11.2020