НАПН України
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With deep sorrow the NAES of Ukraine announces the death of Academician Olexandra Savchenko

Domestic pedagogical science has suffered an irreparable loss - one of its luminaries, Oleksandra Savchenko, has passed away.

The scale of figure of Olexandra SAvchenko is determined by her fundamental works in the field of didactics, methods of primary education, her management and organizational activities, the scientific school she created, numerous textbooks, manuals, books for reading and children′s development.

Olexandra Savchenko′s activity determined the whole epoch of domestic educational science formation. Deep scientist, Academician-Founder of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine (1995-2000), Vice-President of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Chief Researcher of the Department of Primary Education of the Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, she directed all her efforts to the development of pedagogical science and education of the independent Ukraine.More than one generation of Ukrainian children grew up on her textbooks, and her basic ideas contributed to the formation of the professionalism of numerous Ukrainian teachers.

Oleksandra Savchenko took an active part in the preparation of the legal framework and the formation of a strategy for the development of Ukrainian education and science in the independent Ukrainian state. Under her leadership and with his direct participation, the content of general secondary education, in particular primary education, was developed. She is one of the authors of the State Standards of General Secondary Education, the concept of a 12-year secondary school.

The scientist created a powerful scientific school, trained 16 doctors and 32 candidates of sciences.

She is the author of pedagogical system of formation of cognitive independence of junior schoolchildren. She has published almost 700 scientific papers. Among them: monographs "Development of cognitive independence of primary school pupils", textbook for students "Didactics of primary education", manuals "Modern lesson in primary school", "Educational potential of primary education", textbooks and manuals for reading, basics of health.

She was the permanent Chairman of the Interdepartmental Council for Coordination of Research in the Field of Education, Pedagogy and Psychology, the Chairman of Vasyl Sukhomlynsky All Ukrainian Association. She was a member of two specialized councils for the defense of doctoral dissertations and a member of the editorial boards of a number of professional publications, a member of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine.

Oleksandra Savchenko - Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine, awarded the Order of Princess Olga I, II, III degrees, the Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise V degree, numerous state and industry awards.

The memory of Oleksandra Savchenko will live in the hearts of all who knew her, and her intellectual heritage will enter the cultural treasure of the nation.

The National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine expresses its deepest condolences to the family and friends of Oleksandra Savchenko.

Presidium of the NAES of Ukraine

13:36 09.11.2020