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Congratulations of the President of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine Vasyl KREMEN on the Day of Knowledge

Dear pupils! Dear teachers! Dear students and lecturers!
Dear educators and scientists! Dear parents!

I sincerely and cordially congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge! This special day symbolizes for all of us not only the beginning of the school year, but also an interesting and exciting quest called "My personal growth" - and this applies to elementary school pupils, secondary school students, higher school students and third age persons: learning has become our daily life; and vice versa: life needs day-to-day learning.

For some, the new school will start with a school bell, for others - connecting to an electronic platform and greeting in a chat - the main thing is that the teacher, mentor or educator will smile to everyone and will say "Everything will be fine!"

Someone will learn to take integrals, and someone - to carry out scientific research, and someone will conquer computer competence - the main thing is never to stop in the knowledge.

I wish you to be healthy, happy, with joy and interest in overcoming new knowledge and competence heights. Remember: success chooses strong-minded, optimistic, innovative people!

I wish you achievements in advancing the steps of knowledge! I wish you a peaceful sky, new beginnings and victories in the name of the prosperity of independent Ukraine!

President of the NAES of Ukraine,
President of the Society “Znannya” of Ukraine,
Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
and the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine,
Doctor of Sciences (Dr.Hab.), Professor
Minister of Education and Science (2000–2005)

09:55 01.09.2020