НАПН України
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To the memory of Viktor Hryhorovych Baryakhtar

Domestic science has suffered an irreparable loss. One of its luminaries, a prominent world-class scientist Viktor Hryhorovych Baryahtar, has passed into eternity.

The immensity of the figure of Academician Viktor Baryahtar determines his fundamental discoveries in the field of magnetism and solid-state physics, his ascetic activity as a research supervisor to eliminate the environmental consequences of the Chernobyl disaster, a major organizer of science, a brilliant lecturer, founder of a scientific school known far beyond Ukraine.

He is especially close to us  members of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, to all its researchers as a talented teacher, organizer and long-term dean of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, author of curricula and textbooks on physics for secondary school, as well as a number of textbooks for higher education institutions.

He was an honorary academician of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine and will remain present implicitly in its composition forever as a vivid example of a true Scientist, Teacher, Citizen, worthy Man.

16:54 26.08.2020