НАПН України
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Congratulations of the President of the NAES of Ukraine, Academician of the NAS of Ukraine and the NAES of Ukraine Vasyl KREMEN on the Independence Day of Ukraine

Dear scientists, educators, colleagues, friends!

From the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine and from me personally, accept my sincere congratulations on the occasion of the Independence Day of Ukraine!

Twenty-nine years since Ukraine embarked on its own path of development, we have been defending the democratic choice of the Ukrainian people every day, proving that we are worthy to live in a sovereign country. I am convinced that, thanks to courage, wisdom, determination and daily work, we will overcome all difficulties and give worthy answers to the challenges that stand in the way of unity in the name of the great future of Ukraine.

I sincerely wish you unshakable faith in the happy fate of Ukraine! Good health, peace and prosperity, inspiration, consistent action and new victories for the benefit of our state!

Vasyl Kremen,
President of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine,
President of the Society “Znannya” of Ukraine

15:41 21.08.2020