НАПН України
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Webinar "Adult Education in Ukraine: Prospects for Development" in the framework of the V All-Ukrainian pedagogical readings dedicated to the memory of Academician Semen Goncharenko

On May 21, 2020, the staff of the Department of Andragogy of Ivan Zyazyun Institute of Pedagogical and Adult Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine organized and held a webinar "Adult Education in Ukraine: Prospects for Development" as part of the V All-Ukrainian Pedagogical Readings "Personal and Professional Development in memory of Academician Semen Goncharenko.

The Webinar was attended by pedagogical, scientific and pedagogical staff of higher education institutions, scientists of the Institute, teachers of secondary schools, non-formal adult education institutions, representatives of public organizations, candidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

19:20 25.05.2020