НАПН України
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The Report of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine for 2019

The activity of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine in 2019 was directed to the theoretical, methodological, scientific and methodological support of the functioning and development of the national education system in accordance with the goals and priorities of the state educational policy, defined by the strategic and program documents. In cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on Education, Science and Innovation, the National Council of Ukraine for Science and Technology Development, its Administrative and Scientific Committees, the National and National Sectoral Academies of Sciences, the National Erasmus + Office in Ukraine on Higher Education European Integration, Horizon 2020 Framework Program of the European Union for Research and Innovation, other programs and organizations, the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine actively participated in the substantiation, development and the implementation of the new generation educational and scientific legislation.

The efforts of the scientists were also focused on the implementation of the Association Agreement between the EU and Ukraine, the implementation of the New Ukrainian School Concept, standards and elementary education programs, educational standards, guidelines for educational levels and constituents, reform measures to ensure and improve education quality and accessibility, definition of an effective model for the development of science, their integration into the European and world educational and scientific spaces.

Particular attention was paid to the development of innovative person, the formation of competitive human capital, the strengthening of the national unity of Ukrainian society, civic and patriotic education by means of education and science.

15:35 13.04.2020