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On February 4, President of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine Vasyl Kremen addressed a conference at the World Summit 2020 in Seoul

On February 4, President of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine Vasyl Kremen addressed a conference of the World University Presidents’ Congress held at the World Summit 2020 in Seoul. The main issue of the Conference is what universities should do to strengthen peace.

In his speech, Vasyl Kremen emphasized the importance of maintaining peace in the conditions when humanity acquired the capacity for self-destruction. For Ukraine, the problem of peace is too acute because six years ago, as the result of Russia′s aggressive policy, Crimea was annexed and the war in the Donbass was unleashed. Nearly 14,000 people were killed, 28,000 wounded, and 1.5 million refugees, including many children. More than ten universities were evacuated to other regions of the country.

The President of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine thanked the countries that support Ukraine in its efforts to end the war and restore territorial integrity.

Regarding the tasks of universities, Vasyl Kremin noted the following. The level of progressivity of any country in modern conditions is measuring by the level of human development. The level of human capital also determines the further progress of the country, because it depends on the development of scientific and information technologies. Therefore, the first task of universities is to provide quality education to the maximum number of young people.

Second. Humanity has entered into an innovative type of progress when there is a rapid change of ideas and knowledge. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare an innovative person - with innovative thinking, innovative culture and ability to innovate type of activity.

Third. Digital society requires not only preparation for life in it, but also the maximum use of digital technologies in education.

Fourth. Globalization presupposes the need to form a patriot of one′s own country, but also stipulates the need to train a person globally, which is competitive in the global space and thus ensures national competitiveness.

18:20 06.02.2020