In December 2020, a new textbook on methods of teaching mathematics "New Ukrainian school: methods of teaching mathematics in grades 3-4 of general secondary education on the basis of integrative and competency-based approaches" was published. Its authors are scientists of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine. The manual won the competition of manuscripts, received the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, issued by the state order and will be sent to every school of the country.
The electronic version of the manual can be downloaded from the library at the link: https://lib.imzo.gov.ua/navchalno-metodichn-posbniki/dlya-pedagogchnikh-pratsvnikv/navchalno-metodichniy-posbnik-nova-ukranska-shkola-metodika-navchannya-matematiki-u-3-4-klasakh-zakladv-zagalno-seredno-osvti-na-zasadakh-ntegrativnogo--kompetentnsnogo-pdkhodv/
18:58 14.12.2020