НАПН України
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Priority Directions of Scientific Researches of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine for 2018-2022

Priority areas (topics) of scientific research and scientific and technical (experimental) developments of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine for 2018-2022.

The General Meeting of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine on November 17, 2017 approved "Priority areas (topics) of scientific research and scientific and technical (experimental) developments of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine for 2018-2022."

1. Philosophy of education. Methodology, theory, history of education and pedagogy.

Actual problems

Philosophy of education in Ukrainian and Western humanitarian thought.

Development of philosophy of education and pedagogy in accordance with the challenges of the globalized world.

Philosophy of anthropocentrism as a methodology of personality-oriented education.

Formation of new synergistic approaches to human development.

Education as an object of study in educology.

Expansion of subject-practical and information field of pedagogy in the context of modern social needs and educational challenges.

Disciplinary, interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research in the field of education.

Interdisciplinary synthesis of branches of knowledge studying person, society, culture and education.

Plurality of conceptualizations and models of historical and pedagogical knowledge (epistemology and axiology).

Reformation and counter-reformation processes in education: institutional and non-institutional history of national education.

History of pedagogical terminology in the reflection of new historical and pedagogical knowledge.

Other topical issues by priority.

2. Development of the world and national educational systems.

Actual problems

Comparative studies of education and pedagogy.

Methodological and theoretical problems of comparative research in the field of education and pedagogy.

Development of formal, non-formal and informal education in different countries and regions of the world.

Ensuring the quality of education and equal access to education in the world′s educational systems.

Trends in the development of the European area of ​​professional education and training, the European area of ​​higher education and the European research area.

Trends in the development of pedagogical education in foreign countries.

Intercultural education to harmonize a multicultural environment.

Regulatory and legal support for the development of education in EU countries.

Other topical issues by priority.

3. Quality of education. Information educational environment.                

Actual problems                                                                                             

Theoretical and methodological principles of the result paradigm, competency approach and the concept of measurable quality in education.

Methods and ways of assessing the quality of education.

Monitoring, diagnosis and evaluation of the educational activity results.

Methodology and technologies of monitoring research in education.

Test technologies in assessing the quality of education.

Theoretical and methodological, methodical and technological principles of informatization of education.

Information and analytical support of educational activities, design of information and educational environment and electronic resources.

Design of educational and developmental environments.

Formation of a networked educational environment and its integration with traditional learning systems.

Personality development in the virtual educational space.

Formation of the information culture of educational process subjects and ensuring of information security of educational activity in the networks. Media education methods and means.

Creation and application of computer-based learning systems, multimedia technologies, electronic resources and ICT-based teaching aids.

Theoretical and methodical principles of development of the educational SMART-complexes.

Other topical issues by priority.

4. Pedagogy and psychology of the educational process.

Actual problems

Principles, laws and regularities of the educational process.

Theories and models of didactic and methodical systems. Didactic principles of education for sustainable development.

Individualization and differentiation of education and upbringing.

Individual and psychological differences of students and their consideration in the educational process.

Didactic models and pedagogical technologies of personality oriented education.

Competence approach in education. Didactic principles, methods and technologies of formation of key (general and subject) competencies in the educational process.

Didactic principles of innovative teaching methods and technologies.

Didactic principles and technologies of integrated instruction.

Identifying the children endowments and the development of their abilities in the educational process.

Formation of scientific worldview of pupils, system and critical thinking of pupils and students.

Methodology of didactic research. Fundamentals of didactic experiment.

Psychological mechanisms and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the humanistic paradigm in the educational process, the relationship of education, training, education and personal development.

Principles and criteria of psychological support of the educational process.

Psychological and pedagogical principles of designing and equipping educational infrastructure.

Psychological mechanisms of learning and mental development of personality during life.

Self-development and self-realization of the individual in the educational space.

Psychological and pedagogical support of family education.

Psychological support of personality development in the process of professional training.

Other topical issues by priority.

5. Formation of the content of education of its various components.

Actual problems

Theory and methodology to construct the content of education. Didactic and psychological substantiation of the content of education.

Scientific and methodological principles of constructing the content of education at its various levels.

Theory and methodology of standardization of the content of education at different levels.

Theoretical and methodological principles of developing educational and professional standards.

Didactic principles of designing and features of implementation of educational programs for different levels, branches and directions of education and educational institutions of different types.

Fundamentalization and humanization of the content of education.

Didactic principles of designing textbooks and other types of educational literature.

Fundamentals of psychological and pedagogical examination of educational programs and educational literature.

Updating the content of pedagogical education in the context of the challenges of globalization.

Other topical issues by priority.

6. Preschool education.

Actual problems

Development of preschool education in Ukraine and the world.

Intellectual-cognitive, emotional and valuable, spiritual and moral, social and communicative, creative and artistic development of preschool children.

Implementation of the competence-based approach in preschool education on the continuity basis.

Educational development of a young child.

Interaction between preschool, family and primary school.

Creating an individual developmental environment for preschooler at the preschool and out-of-school education institutions.

Socialization (real and virtual) of a child under school age.

Civil, national and patriotic education of preschool children.

Preschool education in a multicultural environment.

Other topical issues by priority.

7. Complete general secondary education. Specialized education.

Actual problems

Implementation of didactic principles in teaching various subjects and courses.

Theory and methods of teaching various subjects and courses at primary school, gymnasium and lyceum, specialized education institutions.

Didactic and methodological principles of scientific education. Methods and technologies of STEM-education.

Forms and methods of professional orientation at different types of educational institutions.

Organization features of the educational process at a small-completed rural school.

Organizational and methodological principles of forming a network of primary schools, gymnasiums and lyceums, specialized education institutions.

Functioning features of base schools and branches of primary education institutions.

Health function of school education and ecological orientation of the educational process at school.

Theory and methods of integration of the content of general secondary and professional education.

Ensuring continuity in education at different levels of education.

Other topical issues by priority.

8. Professional (vocational) education. Professional pre higher education.

Actual problems

Formation and development of professional (vocational) and professional pre higher education in Ukraine.

Forecasting and designing the development of professional (vocational) and professional pre higher education.

Standardization of the content of professional (vocational) and professional pre higher education.

Theory and methods of professional training.

Theoretical and methodological principles of professional pedagogy, professiology and labour pedagogy.

Features of development and application of pedagogical technologies in professional training of experts in various branches, specialties.

Methods of teaching general education, general technical, special subjects and organization of vocational (industrial) training at the institutions of vocational (vocational and technical) education (by industry).

Development of innovation processes in the system of vocational education and training.

Professional training in the conditions of high-tech production, internal training of the personnel of the enterprises.

Distance learning in the training of future professionals (by industry).

Didactic principles of creation of electronic educational resources, electronic textbooks and manuals, electronic educational complexes in professional (vocational) education.

Theoretical and methodical bases of preparation of junior specialists in the system of professional pre higher education.

Social partnership in the regulation of professional education and training.

Professional orientation and professional counselling of students and adults on further education and the choice and implementation of a professional career.

Professional and personal development of future specialists.

Other topical issues by priority.

Direction 9. Higher education.

Actual problems

The role and place of higher education in the educational and scientific spheres, providing research and innovation type of progress.

Reforming higher education in Ukraine on basis of principles and instruments of the Bologna Process.

Postnonclassical model of higher education: regularities and trends of development.

Ensuring and improving the quality of higher education.

Rating mechanisms for assessing the quality of higher education institutions.

Scientific and methodological support of standards, monitoring the quality of higher education.

Competence approach to the formation of the content of higher education and mechanisms for determining the competence of graduates of higher education institutions.

Development, theoretical and methodological substantiation and methodical support of modern models of financing higher education.

Synergy of higher education, science and industry as the main resource of the knowledge society. Distance and dual higher education.

Level, branch, typological and network structuring of higher education: models and mechanisms of its optimization.

Purposeful algorithm of professionalization and socialization of higher education.

Theoretical and methodological principles of modernization of pedagogical education, training higher education applicants of regulated professions.

Democratization and decentralization of the higher education system: autonomy and academic freedoms.

Leadership in higher education.

Students factor in the modernization of higher education, the principles of student-centeredness.

Internationalization of higher education.

Directions and technologies for implementing the policy of expanding educational services export.

Methodological strategy of multicultural education of the postmodern era in higher education.

Technologies for the development of various types of gifted personality and the formation of creativity and nonlinearity of thinking of future higher education specialist.

Features of higher education institution management as a subject of educational services market.

Other topical issues by priority.

10. Adult education. Postgraduate education.

Actual problems

Formation and development of adult education in Ukraine.

Methodological, theoretical and methodical bases of development of education of various categories of adults in the conditions of globalization and integration processes.

Forecasting and designing adult education.

Development of regional and sectoral adult education.

The place and role of civil society institutions in the development of adult education.

Modern technologies of adult education for professional activities.

Reformation changes in the system of domestic postgraduate education in the context of European integration.

Theoretical and methodological bases of formation and standardization of educational content in the system of postgraduate education.

Theory and methods of training specialists for personal and professional self-improvement in postgraduate education.

Development of multimedia culture and information and communication competence of specialists in postgraduate education.

Features of training of pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical personnel for the system of postgraduate education, the work with adults.

Monitoring the quality of postgraduate education: methodology and tools.

Other topical issues by priority.

11. Theory and technology of education. Out-of-school education.

Actual problems

Moral upbringing.

Civil education.

National-patriotic upbringing. Military-patriotic education.

Labour education. Formation of readiness for entrepreneurial activity.

Formation of physical activity and a healthy lifestyle.

Intercultural education of the individual in the context of European values. Education on the border.

Personality development through art education.

Children and youth environmental education in the context of ensuring sustainable development of the society.

Personal development in a safe and open environment of children′s and youth associations.

Innovative content and technologies of out-of-school education.

Using the educational potential of out-of-school education for the development of personal competencies.

Other topical issues by priority.

12. Education of children with special educational needs. Inclusive education.

Actual problems

Theoretical and methodological fundamentals of psychological-pedagogical and rehabilitation support of persons with special educational needs.

Correctional and developmental component of education of children with special educational needs in different institutional conditions.

Psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of the development of children with special educational needs of different age groups.

Strategies and technologies for inclusive education of people with special educational needs.

Educational and methodological support of all levels of education of persons with special educational needs.

Psychological and pedagogical principles of organization of system of early intervention and correction of development of children with special educational needs.

Scientific principles and organizational and pedagogical conditions of activity of educational institutions of new type for children with special educational needs, resource centres of inclusive education.

Technologies of psychological counselling and psychotherapy for people with special educational needs.

Theoretical and methodological bases of training specialists to work with people with special educational needs.

Technologies of psychological and pedagogical support for parents of children with special educational needs.

Other topical issues by priority.

13. Management and economics of education.

Actual problems

Modernization of educational legislation.

State and public educational management.

Innovation and information management in administrative activity.

The system of strategic management of the new Ukrainian school.

Development of innovative culture of the head of the educational institution.

The role of leadership and management teams in ensuring the activities of a competitive educational institution.

Institutional autonomy and academic freedom in educational institutions.

Organizational and corporate culture of the educational institution.

Theoretical and methodical bases of management in developing professional education in the conditions of decentralization.

Economic efficiency of educational institutions.

Organizational and legal forms and innovative models of financing educational institutions.

Other topical issues by priority.

14. Methodology, theory and history of psychology.

Actual problems

Theoretical and methodological principles of psychological research and integration of psychological knowledge.

Formation and development of psychological thought in Ukraine.

The place and role of psychology in the context of Ukrainian culture.

Axiological aspects of the development of psychological knowledge.

Theoretical and methodological principles of genetic psychology.

Theoretical and methodological foundations of the introduction of psychological knowledge in social and educational practice.

Methodological principles of construction and substantiation of psychological theories.

Sociocultural factors in the development of psychological science.

Other topical issues by priority.

15. Age psychology and physiology.

Actual problems

Ontogenetic features of the subject of education.

Psychophysiological bases of personality development and training.

The impact of workload on students′ mental health.

Medical and psychological bases of formation of healthy way of life of various groups of population.

Psychophysiological support of the vitality of the individual.

Diagnosis and correction of the psychophysiological state of a man.

Psychological principles of providing palliative and hospice care to patients.

Psychological problems of reproductive health.

Relationship between mental and somatic processes in the occurrence and development of diseases.

Other topical issues by priority.

16. Psychology of personality development.

Actual problems

Psychological bases of personal development, formation and self-realization of a personality.

Psychological mechanisms of creative activity.

Age and professional features of creativity.

Psychological and pedagogical factors of development of abilities.

Transformation of a person′s way of life in difficult life circumstances.

Psychological patterns of formation of personality culture.

Psychological principles of promoting personal growth of children of different ages.

Psychological mechanisms and technologies for the development of personality subjectivity.

Personal principles of formation of ecologically oriented activity.

Forming personality in a family.

Other topical issues by priority.

17. Social and political psychology.

Actual problems

Theoretical principles and methods of research of communication processes and social cognition.

Socio-psychological features and patterns of socialization of the individual in the transformation of society.

Psychology of groups, intergroup relations and mass-like phenomena.

Psychological features of ethnic identity, formation of ethno-national consciousness and self-consciousness.

Theoretical and methodical bases of the analysis of a social situation of personal and social development.

Psychology of intergenerational interaction, formation and development of family.

Theory and practice of socio-psychological support of the processes of modernization of education and society, monitoring and formation of public opinion.

Psychological problems of mass information processes and media education, information security.

Psychological conditions for increasing political and civic activity of young people.

Psychological bases of interaction of policy and law.

Psychological aspects of formation of political culture of a democratic society.

Political communications and their psychotechnological support.

Psychology of social and political conflict.

Psychological principles of social forecasting and expert activity.

Other topical issues by priority.

18. Applied psychology. Professional and organizational psychology.

Actual problems

Theoretical and methodological principles of applied psychology development.

Content, forms, methods and technologies of professional activity of a practical psychologist.

Scientific and psychological support of pedagogical innovations in education.

Scientific support of psychological services.

Scientific principles and technologies of providing psychological assistance to people in difficult life, including professional, circumstances.

Theoretical and methodological principles of development and application of modern psychotherapeutic models and technologies.

Psychological bases of development of organizations, personnel.

Psychology of labour.

Other topical issues by priority.

19. Social pedagogy and social work.

Actual problems

Socialization and personal development in various social institutions.

Problems of social adaptation and social integration of the individual.

Intersectoral partnership in social and socio-pedagogical work.

Innovative technologies of social and pedagogical assistance to vulnerable groups.

Social and socio-pedagogical work with children and families of IDPs.

Social and socio-pedagogical work in the community.

Prevention of risky, deviant and delinquent behaviour of adolescents.

Overcoming or minimizing personal addiction and social deprivation.

Children′s and youth associations as a subject of social pedagogy research.

Domestic and foreign experience of formation and development of social pedagogy and social work.

Other topical issues by priority.

20. Psychology of national security and safety of life.

Actual problems

Psychological problems of military and post-war society.

Psychological features of functioning of mass consciousness in wartime.

Psychological principles of restoration and preservation of civil peace in a politicized society.

Psychological means of neutralizing destructive information influences in the conditions of military and political conflict.

Forms and methods of psychological training of military specialists to participate in military operations.

Content and directions of professional training of military psychologists.

Scientific and methodological principles of social and psychological rehabilitation of combatants.

Methods of psychological assistance to victims of military-political conflict.

Problems of social and psychological adaptation of internally displaced persons.

Psychological factors to prevent and to fight corruption.

Psychological bases of tracking the dynamics of public expectations regarding an independent and fair court, ensuring legal order and public control.

Socio-psychological factors of volunteering.

Psychological aspects of the influence of territorial, ethno-national and other communities on the state of national security.

Psychological principles of child safety and creating a non-discriminatory environment.

Psychological factors of labour safety.

Other topical issues by priority.

14:33 30.11.2018